This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez continue their exploration of Diablo class lore, this time covering the Monk, Necromancer, and Amazon classes
This week Matt Rossi and Joe Perez explore the politics of Kyrians choosing who is worthy of an afterlife, what the latest expansion reveals about the Forsaken, and the possible connections with Sylvanas and the Shadowlands in the new World of Warcraft: Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth book.
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez explore how the Jailer could possibly exploit a corrupted Anduin, Elune's potential masterplan involving Tyrande, and the connection between Odyn and the Titans.
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez explore the power vacuum in the Burning Hells given the absence of the greater evils, if Anduin's blade can recover from its own corruption, and the story they want to see the most in the upcoming Sylvanas novel.