This week, we explore how many stories in WoW have been left in limbo as the next expansion brings in all new stories in all new places, possible secret motives held by Odyn, and if the Void Lords are actually The First Ones.
This week, we explore the concept of Elune as a Titan that has not yet awakened, the pantheon of death in Shadowlands as Titans that were killed before their world soul awakened, and if Azeroth really is the final Titan.
This week, we explore how all the magic systems in World of Warcraft can be traced back to the same source, the story behind the Stormrage name, and what story we would like to see if WoW were a single-player RPG title.
This week, we explore how Dragonflight fits into the Dawn of the Aspects stories, if Odin has secret plans for the dragon aspects, and how Shadowlands affects the Eternal Hunger of Death Knights.